Creator & The Craftsman

I enjoy watching people who have learned a craft or skill. They do so many parts of their craft with ease and almost without thought. They have grown in their skill to the point where it is hard to imagine them ever starting from scratch and becoming so polished and skill. I enjoy woodworking and…

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Definitely Defiant

I remember disobeying my parents. I remember disobeying God. I remember breaking the law by speeding. The word defiant means boldly resistant to something. I’ve seen kids defiant to their parents, teachers, law enforcement and anyone else in authority. I have been defiant even to God. I’m not proud of my decisions, but I do…

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Strong & Steady

I really like balance. I like to keep my life in balance. If I work too much, I feel a bit stressed out. If I play too much, I feel like I’m losing my drive for excellence. There are so many areas of my life that finding a good balance is very important.  One of…

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I learned a new word this morning. I thought I had found a typo in the Bible. I had to look it up on This word means: “extending back beyond memory, record or knowledge”. The Psalmist uses this word to describe the Lord’s Presence and Power in the world. For as far back as…

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He Is Everything

I feel overwhelmed with trying to fathom the Power & Presence of the Lord. I’m not sure who the writer of Psalm 33 is, but it sounds a bit like the worship leader penned this passage. I am still letting it resonate within my heart this morning. Check this out…. Worship 1 Let the godly sing…

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I love seeing a good craftsman at work. I have had the privilege of working with a friend who can make just about anything with wood. If he can see it, he can make it. I’ve learned that to be a good craftsman, a good set of tools are needed. Along with good tools, a…

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