Clean House

I love a good clean house with everything in its place. When my kids were small, it was nearly impossible to keep the house clean. Kiddos can be messy.  I’ve learned that adults can be messy too!  It takes a little work every day to keep the house neat and tidy. I think it takes…

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I have been taught to recognize evil and wickedness since I was a young kid. We don’t always call “it” that anymore. We use all sorts of “softer” terms like indiscretion, mistake, bad behavior, bad actor, immoral to describe evil.  I think evil deeds reflect an evil heart. I believe our behavior flows from our…

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Clean Again

I can’t hardly stand being dirty for long periods of time. I remember as a young kid, working out in the hay field or tobacco fields, I would be nasty when I got home. I would shower and clean up before bed.  I’m am not a “clean freak”, but I am not past taking a…

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Purity Of Heart

I have to confess that my heart is not always pure. I sometimes look out for my own interests even at the expense of others. I’ve seen what appears to be a pure heart in others, but the Lord only knows what a true, pure heart looks like. I can certainly keep a pure heart…

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Cleaning House

  I do know what it’s like to clean house. Everyone needs to clean out and sort out what should be kept and what should be discarded or moved out. There are times that my closet gets full because I keep buying clothes and not discarding some or giving away extra. One of the hardest…

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Clean or Dirty

  As a parent it’s always been easy to tell if my kiddos washed their hands before dinner. We taught them to “wash up” before dinner. I’ve noticed now that they’ve have grown up and understand the thought process behind “washing up”, they actually do it without thinking much about it. “Washing up” is a…

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