Clean Again

I can’t hardly stand being dirty for long periods of time. I remember as a young kid, working out in the hay field or tobacco fields, I would be nasty when I got home. I would shower and clean up before bed.  I’m am not a “clean freak”, but I am not past taking a couple of showers per day to feel clean and be clean.

Moses is again giving out the instructions and laws from God to this young nation after they’ve just crossed the Red Sea. In the past we speak often about the “10 Commandments”, but the commandments were much more than just ten. The Lord is clear about cleanliness among the people. He spends a lot of time speaking of how to become clean after a normal bodily discharge or an abnormal bodily discharge.  He wants His people to take seriously how they come before Him at the Tabernacle. Check this out….

31 “This is how you will guard the people of Israel from ceremonial uncleanness. Otherwise they would die, for their impurity would defile my Tabernacle that stands among them. (Leviticus 15:31 NLT)

It feels like it would be impossible to come before the Lord very often if I had to follow all of the rules of engagement that is given to the people of Israel. He was only approachable through the priest and much ceremony for sure. As I journey through these commands of the old law, I’m even more grateful for Jesus coming to fulfill the law. He made a way for me to come before the Lord in my dirty condition for Him to make me clean. He wants me to come as I am, because after being with Him, I am never the same again.

I want to be pure again

I want to be whole again

I want to be free again

I want to be young again

You know me by name

You know my little games

You are so patient with me

You are so generous with grace

How can I not seek Your face?

No more lies, no more games

Just living for You, giving honor to Your Name


Pressing On!


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