The Source of Wisdom

As I’ve grown older, I realize that I don’t know it all. In fact, the more education, I acquired, I realized how much more there is to know. I absolutely love being around people who are way smarter and more experienced than me because I can go to school and learn from them. I don’t ever want to be the smartest person in the room, because then I won’t listen and learn from others.

I’m enjoying tracking the early days of King Solomon. I love his answer to the Lord in a dream and then it’s cool to see the Lord fulfilling the promise from the dream. Solomon had a lot going on and he was gaining fame and fortune in compounding daily strides. I believe the Source of Solomon’s wisdom was the Lord. I believe that it was also because of Solomon’s humble heart in trusting the Lord. Check this out…..

29 God gave Solomon very great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge as vast as the sands of the seashore. 30 In fact, his wisdom exceeded that of all the wise men of the East and the wise men of Egypt. 31 He was wiser than anyone else, including Ethan the Ezrahite and the sons of Mahol—Heman, Calcol, and Darda. His fame spread throughout all the surrounding nations. 32 He composed some 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs. 33 He could speak with authority about all kinds of plants, from the great cedar of Lebanon to the tiny hyssop that grows from cracks in a wall. He could also speak about animals, birds, small creatures, and fish. 34 And kings from every nation sent their ambassadors to listen to the wisdom of Solomon. (1 Kings 4:29-34 NLT)

Solomon’s greatness was definitely a “head turner”. He was well known. When He spoke, people listened. I think he was teachable in the early days of his reign. I believe he was humble in the early days as well.

I was reminded of a passage of scripture in the New Testament from the half-brother of Jesus. James speaks to the Source of wisdom. Check this out…

13 If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. 15 For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. 16 For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.

17 But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. 18 And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness. (James 3:13-18 NLT)

I want to sit at the feet of the Lord each day seeking His Wisdom and His Understanding for every situation that I face. I want to listen to Him. I want to listen to the people that He puts in my path. I want to live, love and learn from others as I walk this earth. I want people to notice His Wisdom in my life. If I know anything about anything, it’s because of the Presence of the Lord in me. I know more about what I don’t know than what I do know. I do know that I’m nothing without His Presence and His Wisdom in me.

Pressing On!


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