Defining Moment

There are tons of moments in our lives that are defining moments. These are moments that change the trajectory of our lives. I can remember lots of my defining moments because I have tons of pictures to help me remember. I remember my wedding day as a defining moment for sure. I remember when my…

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I’m Thirsty

I love a refreshing glass of lemonade or water on a hot sweltering day. There are times that I’m simply thirsty because of something salty that I’ve eaten. Our body need hydration throughout each day for it to function properly.  I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke and other carbonated drinks because of…

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I will be the first to admit that I’ve been angry. I might have been angry yesterday – I can’t remember. There are things that make me angry and then there are things that make me want to blow my stack.  I think it’s incredibly important to control my response to anger. Anger can be…

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This can be a hot topic of discussion as this emotion can cause more harm than good most of the time.  Anger can be an emotion that is helpful when I’m hurt or harmed, and I need to push through. Anger can also be an emotion that is extremely destructive and wiping out tons of…

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Enemy Opposition

I have had people not like me because of a position I hold. They may have never met me or even spoken to me, but they just don’t like me.  I probably can’t do anything about that. It’s like people saying things about the people running for political office. There are many who have formed…

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The Battles

I would say that I’ve fought many “battles” in my life. I haven’t served in the military per se. Most of my battles have been a bit personal and some of the time involved other people. The biggest part of my battles has been fought “between my ears”. Some of my battles are internal and…

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