The Golden Rule

I’ve heard of the golden rule my whole life. I thought it was something that my parents made up to get me to behave. As I grew older, I realized that it’s an excellent idea and a good way to live. I did also learn that Jesus said it when He was teaching in His famous mountain sermon.

I read it again in the current translation I’m reading, and a word in the verse stopped me in my tracks. Check this out….

12 “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. (Matthew 7:12 NLT)

That word, “essence” really popped out. This word means: “the basic, real and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features”.  Jesus is saying in this statement that the Law of Moses and all the teachings of the prophets could summed up in this way of living.

I don’t think I should have to ask someone else how they would want to be treated. I do think this will require some empathy from me. I’m thinking I should “seek first to understand and then seek to be understood”.

I want to pay close attention to those around me.

I want to pay close attention to people I randomly see at the grocery store.

I want to pay close attention to the people I work with.

I want to pay close attention to my closest friends and family.

If I pay close attention to the needs of others, I will treat them with the basic respect and honor with which I’d like to be treated.

I think Jesus was setting up His teaching about love. He would soon go much further than simply stopping at the “golden rule”. He expands on the love and empathy that is needed for that. He starts teaching about loving others who are hard to love. He talks about loving others who don’t reciprocate.  My love and respect for others is based on God’s love for me – not their love and respect for me.

Pressing On!


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