Big Picture Perspective

There are times in my life when things up in my grill and I can’t seem to see anything but what’s right in front of me. I’ve even felt a huge sense of desperation as I try to navigate the struggle and suffering. I need a huge perspective shift. I love that word perspective. I…

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I would love to see world peace. I think peace brings a different perspective to our engagement of others. I want what I want and I’m confident that the other person wants what they want. If we want our way more than we want relationship, we will likely never have peace or even be at…

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Because You Obeyed

I remember as a kid getting more responsibilities from my parents once I had passed the test of obedience. They grew to trust me when I walked in obedience to them. I have learned over the years the deep value in obeying the Lord. He loves obedience. Obedience reveals surrender. Obedience reveals my character. Obedience…

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Presence Perspective

A few years back, my word for the year was “Presence”. I wanted the Lord’s Presence to be noticed in me. I wanted my presence with others to make a difference. I also prayed often for the Lord’s Presence in me. I realize now that the Presence of the Lord is ALWAYS in me. I’ve…

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Inverted Hierarchy

I learned at a very early age, that there is always a hierarchy in my world. When I was a kid, it was my parents who were in charge at home, when I went to school it was teachers and principals.  As I progressed in school it was the more popular students who were in…

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Lost & Found

I’ve not been very successful finding things I’ve misplaced in a public place. I’ve lost mostly umbrellas and maybe a few jackets or coats. When I go the “Lost & Found” they are not there. I do like finding things that I’ve lost. I get frustrated with myself that I’ve misplaced something or hid it…

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