
I love learning new words. I don’t always love learning them in a casual conversation. I had this professor when I was working on my undergrad degree that was known for using big, little-known word in his lectures. He was trying to expand the vocabulary of his students, but it was a bit challenging to…

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God Is On Time!

I operate off a calendar and a clock. I do my best to write down every appointment in my calendar. I do respect the time of others and I want to make the most of my time as well. I also know that there are things and events that are time sensitive and that takes…

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I’m an early riser. I’m not sure who to credit or blame, but when I was around 14 years old, I got up early to milk the cows. My Dad milked two cows who gave more milk than the three I was in charge of milking.  We milked them by hand. This may have been…

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At That Moment

There have been powerful moments in my life. I remember talking to my parents as a young child about becoming a Christian. I lived off the faith of my parents and grandparents for many years. I clearly remember the moment when my faith became my own. I know where I was sitting and what I…

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Right Place – Right Time

I’ve had some moments that the timing was incredible and so many things fell into place for me. I’ve also had some timing where I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is something beautiful with timing. There is also something incredible about consistency. I want to be consistent in my journey…

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I will occasionally have moments that happen that feel a bit ironic.  The word “ironic” implies coincidental or accidental. As a Christ-follower, I see this as the Lord’s hand in my life. I trust Him. I have learned the importance of praying about EVERYTHING. I think it’s a bit unusual for a book in the…

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