
This is a good word that means: “liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish”. I try to live my life being generous with my time, talent and treasure to others. There are times when I’ve given out of obligation or pressure. Generosity is not as fun when it’s expected, or I feel obligated. I think generosity…

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I have heard the phrase, “It more blessed to give than to receive” my whole life. I was taught at an early age to give. I think generosity is one of the most fun things to do for others, especially when they don’t see it coming. Giving can be great fun and I believe it’s…

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I do like to have nice things. I also like having money in savings for a rainy day, and we have had lots of rain here in Georgia. Greed is having an excessive desire, especially for wealth or possessions. I have met greedy people before. They want what they want, when they want it. They…

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Big Spender

I used to marvel at wealthy people. They seem to be relaxed and happy. As I got older, I learned that often they weren’t wealthy at all. They were leveraged by debt and living way above their means to impress others. I tried that life and it about crushed me during the Great Recession. Dave…

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Be Generous

I recently completed facilitating Financial Peace University taught by Dave Ramsey. My wife and I had been through this class during the Great Recession in 2009. I had the chance to facilitate at our church twice this year. I am still processing much of what was in the last session. We changed the way we…

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Understanding Generosity

I’ve been the beneficiary of lots of generosity over the years. I have people who invested in me when I was a very young man. I’ve never forgotten those generous people. I remember trying to repay them only to be asked to pass the blessing on to others. Over the years, it’s been a great…

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