Rock Bottom

I’m not sure that I’ve ever hit “rock bottom”, but I’m confident that I’ve been close before. I see “rock bottom” as the lowest point that I could sink too. I see “rock bottom” as a place of desperation, struggle and often pain.  When I think of my “rock bottom” and then I reflect on the struggles of others, I realize that I wasn’t as close to it as I thought.  When I was a very low point in my life, I thought it was “rock bottom”.  Looking back, I see it simply as a low point in my life.

I think there comes a time when we reach the “end of our rope” and all that is left is falling from the rescue of the rope. I absolutely hate being anywhere near the “end of my rope”. It feels so out of control and much of my life is just that – out of my control.

As I’ve journeyed through Job, I often thought that his friends were a bunch of losers. As I’ve read their counsel and advice it hasn’t been all bad. I realize that I’m only half-way through the book too. I was reading one of Job’s response to his friend Bildad. He is carefully describing just how bad things have gotten. At one point he even said, “my breath is repulsive to my wife”. I was thinking of how bad breath smells after garlic or onions! I don’t mean to make light of his struggle. I was so encouraged when he declared what he knows and what he believes even in the midst of his struggle. Check this out….

25 “But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives,
    and he will stand upon the earth at last.
26 And after my body has decayed,
    yet in my body I will see God!
27 I will see him for myself.
    Yes, I will see him with my own eyes.
    I am overwhelmed at the thought! (Job 19:25-27 NLT)

Job declares the Sovereignty of God.

When he is near “rock bottom”, he comes up declaring God as His Redeemer.  This is so encouraging and hopeful to me. I’m aware of what rock-bottom looks like and smells like. I just hope when I get near there again, I can come up declaring the Sovereignty of God!  I believe that the Lord NEVER leaves me. I believe that the Lord is ALWAYS PRESENT with me. I’m so grateful that even though I’m in deep need of Grace, He drenches me with His Love, His Forgiveness and His Grace.

I think “rock bottom” is a hard surface and when I hit it, I can bounce back.

My Redeemer lives!

My Redeemer rescues me.

My Redeemer restores my soul.

My Redeemer is so kind.

My Redeemer is so gentle.

My Redeemer is so patient.

When I reflect on what “rock bottom” might look like or feel like for me, I don’t have to be paralyzed in fear or worry. I can navigate life knowing that if “rock bottom” is in my future, I will not be alone there. My Redeemer lives and He dwells in me – even at “rock bottom”.

Pressing On!


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