Desperate Leadership

I know what it’s like to be in charge and yet not sure how to go where we are supposed to go. There are those who are put in leadership position without leadership ability. “If you’re leading and no one is following, then you’re just taking a walk.” (Afghan proverb) Leadership is not always easy or glamorous. There are times when leadership is excruciatingly hard. There are times that the leader is lost.

Moses and Aaron had just buried their sister Miriam. There was no water and the people once again blamed Moses & Aaron for leading them out of Egypt. I actually like Moses and Aaron’s response to the people. Check this out…

Moses and Aaron turned away from the people and went to the entrance of the Tabernacle, where they fell face down on the ground. Then the glorious presence of the Lord appeared to themand the Lord said to Moses, “You and Aaron must take the staff and assemble the entire community. As the people watch, speak to the rock over there, and it will pour out its water. You will provide enough water from the rock to satisfy the whole community and their livestock.” (Numbers 20:6-8 NLT)

These guys are desperate leaders. They are not in control of these people – the Lord is. They are leading the people while following the Lord. I do love their response to situation – fall on their face before the Lord. I actually like this leadership strategy. There are times when the leader is stuck and feels like ANY decision is the WRONG decision. I love the next line after they fell face down – “the glorious Presence of the Lord appeared to them”.  The Lord’s leadership is profoundly wise and steady. His leadership is beyond our understanding or comprehension, but He longs to know me deeply. He longs to lead through me. He speaks through His Word. He prompts with His Holy Spirit. He has used many situations to shape me – some of those have been desperate.

I am learning that all my leadership opportunities need to be desperate – desperately seeking the Lord’s direction, wisdom and counsel. I am a follower of God first. If I am leading anyone, anywhere, it’s because He’s leading me.

Pressing On!


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