
I am not a fan of big thunderstorms with high winds and lightening. I enjoy sitting on the front porch when a nice rain shower comes through. My front porch faces southwest, and that’s where a lot of our storm fronts come from. The summer thunderstorms go about as quickly as they come. Every now…

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I was in student ministry for 20 years and I had some opportunities come my way that might have been perceived as a promotion.  There are some promotions that give you a title and a “bump” in pay. There other promotions that give you more responsibilities with no increase in pay. In student ministry, the…

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Protection Plan

During this pandemic, there have been many strategies and models of flattening the curve. The shelter in place really diminished the spread of COVID-19 for sure. It now seems to me that the pendulum has moved too far in the other direction. I think we should still have a plan of protection and prevention for…

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I think strategy takes some thought and planning. If I attempt to do a big project with little thought or planning, the results are usually a disaster, or I may be fortunate enough to muddle through it.  I like to plan and strategize and then manage the plan. If I’m “flyin’ by the seat of…

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Plague Purpose

I remember as a kid having to have all sorts of immunization shots for different diseases that I might be susceptible as a young child. There was one shot that was formidable for sure and left a mark on my arm – I think it was polio vaccine. The shots were obviously intended to prevent…

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Disaster Plan

I am so thankful for our first responders and how they are ready on a moment’s notice to come save someone from a fire or an accident. They are well trained and well organized so that when a plan is put in place, they can execute the plan with great precision and productivity. There are…

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