I Know

There are things that I know because of my experiences. I know that the sun will come up today and set later this evening. I know the difference between right and wrong. I know that there are good people and there are mean people. There are righteous people and there are evil people. The list…

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I remember hearing the debate about prayer in school as I was growing up. I also remember hearing a comment that “as long as there are tests in school; there will be prayer”!  I grew up being taught to pray. I remember an older gentleman at church who prayed the exact same prayer every time…

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Keep On!

I have been ready to quit on many occasions. It takes a deep resolve to finish some projects or events. There are times when I’m so very close to the finish line and if I quit, I will have wasted a ton of energy but still come of short of my goal. I’ve learned over…

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I believe in prayer. I think that I pray a lot. I’m not sure that I pray as much as I think I do. I’ve learned that prayer needs to be formal at times and informal at times. I think prayer is good when planned and when spontaneous. Jesus disciples followed His instructions when He…

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Please Pray

When I hear these two words from another, I know the need and the desperation that is felt. I have prayed some desperate prayers. I have seen some desperate prayers answered the way I prayed. I’ve also seen prayers answered differently than I prayed or imagined they might be answered. I once heard a quote…

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My favorite part of Hide and Seek was the hiding. I wasn’t sure about the seeking because I was a bit scared or even intimidated by the search. As I grew older, I became more confident in the seeking because I didn’t fear where I’d find the person or person’s I was looking for. Now…

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