Worship Leaders

I’m a big fan of the people who lead my heart in worship. I have a long list that begins with the people who lead at church. I’m not just speaking of the vocalists. There are drummers, keyboardist, bass guitarist, guitar players, saxophone players who play the music. There vocalists who sing and harmonize with the words. There are sound guys behind the scenes. There is lighting and stage décor that adds to the worship experience.  I’m very thankful to the people who serve in these rolls to lead the church to the Father’s heart.

I was meandering through 1 Chronicles and came across a passage that talked about the musicians in the tabernacle and the temple.  The genealogy of these leaders traced all the way back to Jacob. Check this out….

31 David assigned the following men to lead the music at the house of the Lord after the Ark was placed there. 32 They ministered with music at the Tabernacle until Solomon built the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. They carried out their work, following all the regulations handed down to them. (1 Chronicles 6:31-32 NKL)

This grabbed my attention because I’ve been privileged to be part of the worship leading at our church. I love singing songs that honor the Lord. I love being part of a team of people worshipping the Lord.  There is a lot of preparation that goes into the music that is intended to turn our heart to the Lord.

About 3 weeks out, the worship leader is seeking the Lord as to what songs will connect with the message that is planned. After choosing the songs, the musicians begin rehearsing in their homes. The creative team is figuring out the what the stage should look like with background video and lighting. The volunteers are confirming their presence. The service is being laid out with any special videos or special announcements that need to be a part.  The day of (Sunday or Thursday at our church), the musicians, vocalists, staff and volunteers arrive early to make sure everything works right, and that people notice the Presence of God, not mistakes made by the musicians, vocalists or technicians.  There are a lot of moving parts going on behind the scenes and on stage meant to lead people in worship of God.

I’m grateful that my family is able to play a part in worship. I believe worship of God can give proper perspective on all of my life. Everything I do and everywhere I go, I carry the Presence of God with me. Worship helps me remember that. Worship of God is way more than just a church gathering…. It’s this blog, it’s a phone call, it’s an email, it’s a meeting, it’s cutting grass…. I could make a really long list of things I do that are ultimately meant to bring honor to the Lord. Worship is about all of my life honoring the One Who Created me for worship.

Pressing On!


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