
There are times when I don’t feel welcomed by others. When I was in ministry, I could tell that people were sometimes uncomfortable around me.  I always tried to remind them that I was just a human like them. I’m not the Judge or the Lawgiver. I am simply a man who is trying to follow the Lord each day. In ministry, I felt like the church paid me so that I could be free to serve the Lord full-time. When I pivoted into Real Estate over eighteen years ago, I learned quickly that I could do ministry no matter what my profession or job was. In fact, I found more opportunities came my way as a businessperson than as a Pastor.

Jesus was teaching His disciples about the kingdom of Heaven and the things that were to come. They couldn’t understand a lot of what He was saying to them about His impending death. Check this out….

36 Then he put a little child among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, 37 “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes not only me but also my Father who sent me.” (Mark 9:36-37 NLT)

I want to be welcoming to others as they come into the Kingdom of God. Following Jesus is not an exclusive club where only a select few can join. Jesus welcomes all who believe in Him. He promises those of us who follow that He will be with. He gave us His Spirit to dwell in us. I should never think that Christianity is all about me. It’s about Jesus and it’s a HUGE privilege to be welcomed by the Lord into His family.  I want to make others feel welcome so that I’m continuously making Jesus feel welcome inside my heart.

Pressing On!


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