
I usually have a favorite team if I’m watching a sporting event. When the playoffs come, and my team is out, I have to choose a team to root for. It’s not as fun watching a sporting event without choosing a team to root for. If I don’t have a particular favorite, I will usually choose the underdog. I’m pulling for the team that the majority thinks will lose.  A week or so ago, someone congratulated me at church because Kentucky Wildcats beat Florida in football. That hasn’t happened in like 18 years. To “top it off”, the game was played in Florida.  I have learned over the years that the outcome of a football game or even a basketball game doesn’t really change my life because I place “bets” at all.

Asaph pens a Psalm that describes the righteous as underdogs. Check this out…

God presides over heaven’s court;
    he pronounces judgment on the heavenly beings:
“How long will you hand down unjust decisions
    by favoring the wicked?

“Give justice to the poor and the orphan;
    uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
Rescue the poor and helpless;
    deliver them from the grasp of evil people.

Rise up, O God, and judge the earth,
    for all the nations belong to you. (Psalm 82:1-4,8 NLT)

With the Lord on my side, I don’t ever feel like the underdog. When God is with me, I am a majority! He can do anything He wishes. I can only trust Him to do what He wills. I can do my part and be obedient to the call He puts on my heart. I can give. I can serve. I can love. I can listen. I want to always be found following His lead. He can change any situation that I face. He is never surprised by my circumstances. He is never fearful. He is never worried. When God is with me, I am NEVER the underdog. I’m always “favored to win”! The noise of our culture sometimes crowds out His Presence in me. He is not always loud. He is not always about making a scene. He is often hidden in plain sight and very powerful. I’m learning to put all my hope in the All-Powerful God who loves me and cares for me. In fact, He dwells in my heart and is with me wherever I go and in whatever situation I find myself.

Pressing On!


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