Trusted Advisor

As I was growing up, there were lots of people who spoke into my life to help me along the way. If I were to start naming them, I’m not sure this blog post would fit into the page. I would have to give a special shout out to my parents and grandparents who advised me and shaped my life for the bulk of my childhood. I was definitely influenced by some friends and cousins along the way – not always in a positive way.

As I grew older and moved away to college, I started making choices on whom I trusted to advise me. My parents and grandparents still had influence on me for sure, but there were new people that I met, and I gained some perspective on the counsel I’d been given up to that point. I had to figure some things out for myself and sift through many things I had been taught as truth. Looking back, those were some very formative years and I’m thankful for the heritage of faith given to me by family.

Joash, was the youngest to become King of Judah. He was seven years old when he became king. He obviously had influence from his Mom and the priest. Check this out…..

1Joash began to rule over Judah in the seventh year of King Jehu’s reign in Israel. He reigned in Jerusalem forty years. His mother was Zibiah from Beersheba.All his life Joash did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight because Jehoiada the priest instructed him. (2 Kings 12:1-2 NLT)

I love seeing both of these influencers in Joash’s life. His Mom had to have been a willing accomplice helping save his life from his wicked grandmother who grabbed the throne when Joash’s dad died. The trusted advice from Jehoiada the priest was priceless as well.

I still choose carefully the people who give me counsel. I want to seek out people who have gone before me and experienced more life than me. I have trusted counselors in the area of family who speak into my life. I have trusted advisors in the area of ministry whom I trust and lean into. I also have trusted advisors in the Real Estate business whom I listen too and learn from.

I believe wise counsel comes when we seek it out. I’m not sure it always “falls into my lap”. I have to sometime cast aside free counsel because it contradicts the wise counsel I’ve received. It takes great wisdom and discernment to determine the value of all counsel. I want to become a trusted advisor to people who seek my help. I want to walk carefully in that role and seek counsel from the Lord on how to help others.

Pressing On!


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