Treasure Hunt

I know people who love to hunt treasure. They will go to the flea market and estate sales frequently looking for treasure. Usually, the treasure they seek has become trash to someone else. I am often frustrated with myself over things that I thought were valuable when I purchased them, and now they are worthless to me. Treasure hunting is all about perspective. If it’s something I want, then if goes into the treasure category. If it’s something I don’t want, it’s trash.

Jesus taught about treasure when He taught the sermon on the mountain. He covered lots of topics in this message. I was moved by these instructions regarding treasure. Check this out….

19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. (Matthew 6:19-21 NLT)

I started trying to think of the things I have that moths and rust can destroy. Moths eat some clothing. Rust destroys things that are metal. As I review all the “things” I possess, they are not eternal. They may be permanent to my life here on earth, but they are not permanent.

I think Jesus was speaking to things that are eternal. I think He was trying to encourage thinking upon things that we can’t see. I can’t see into eternity. I can invest in eternity. The more I walk with Jesus, the more I feel compelled to keep my eyes upon eternal things.

Investment in relationships is eternal.

Investment in God’s kingdom is eternal.

I want to keep my eyes open to investment into eternity. The people I meet today are eternal investments. The people I interact with today are eternal investments. The way I serve them. The way I love them.

That last line Jesus spoke as part of this teaching is still resonating. “Wherever my treasure is, there my heart is also”.  I do have some fund stored for a rainy day. I think He was not saying don’t prepare for the future. I do think He was reminding me to prepare for eternity not just next year or 10 years down the road.  I know that God wants my heart to be focused on Kingdom things. He wants my investments and savings to reflect kingdom values and kingdom assets, not simply temporary ones.

I’m going to hold a bit more loosely to the treasures of this earth and hold tighter to the treasures of heaven.

Pressing On!


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