Today Matters

The older I’ve gotten; the memories take me way back. I realize that according to my 20-year-old son, I’m old.  I’m embracing it and learning to deal with it. Just yesterday I was reminded of the first Rocky movie that I watched so many years ago. Sylvester Stallone was the star and he had a “no quit” attitude. He was a relentless and determined fighter. Anytime I sit down and reflect on my life from many years ago, I’m reminded how the activities of my life back then shaped my life today. I am making decisions today that can impact my life 20 years from now or even generations of my family for years to come.

The Israelites are across from Jericho and the Lord is preparing them for the second time to enter the land He promised to them. They have just spent 40 years paying for the behavior of 10 of the 12 original spies. A generation of people were gone in that 40 years. I think the only three left were Moses, Joshua and Caleb. I’m not sure of any others. Check this out…

63 So these are the results of the registration of the people of Israel as conducted by Moses and Eleazar the priest on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho. 64 Not one person on this list had been among those listed in the previous registration taken by Moses and Aaron in the wilderness of Sinai. 65 For the Lord had said of them, “They will all die in the wilderness.” Not one of them survived except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun. (Numbers 26:63-65 NLT)

I can’t do much about what happened yesterday except to take responsibility for what I did and said. I can do something with today. It’s early in the morning and the day lies ahead. I have to be prepared that decisions I make today can have a “ripple effect” for years to come.

Today is the last day of 2019. I am staring at a new year and a new decade! I choose to make decisions that can count for years to come. I want to be steady and faithful in my walk with the Lord so that my children and my children’s children will be curious and hopefully seek the Lord for His Presence in their lives.

I believe that the things done for the Lord will last for eternity. My possessions, my bank account and even titles and accomplishments will pale in light of knowing the Lord and being known by Him. That is why today counts – every day that I’m alive, I can live for His honor and His glory. I want others to see the Lord in me when they meet me, see me, or work with me.  He is the Lord of All and I want Him present in all I do.

Pressing On!


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