Time & Timing

Pocket watch with timing signThis is a tricky concept. There have been incidents when I thought the timing was out of place, but as “time” passed, the timing fell perfectly into place. I feel like I have a sense of timing, but if it’s a bit off, it can be embarrassing.  A well-timed word of encouragement can speak volumes into the life of a discouraged person. A genuine, well-timed compliment can really bless someone we love or a simple acquaintance. In various sports, timing is pretty much everything. My life is a timed event, I just don’t know the ending time yet. I can only imagine how I would do things if I knew about when my last day on earth would be. I think about people who are killed suddenly in an auto accident – snatched from their loved ones. I feel sure that there are regrets of things we wished we’d said or things we should have done differently. Time is a precious commodity and currency of sorts. We can’t manufacture it or create more of it. We all have the same amount of it each day. The older I get; the more precious time becomes to me. My timing is improving because I realize that I’m way passed the projected half-way point.

Peter assures us that God’s timing is different. In fact, the Lord operates outside of our time of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, decades or millenniums. Check this out….

But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. (2 Peter 3:8-9 NLT)

I want to stop worrying about time and make the most of what I’m blessed with. I can do very little if anything to adjust my time here on earth. I remember a friend of mine used to say that he could eat right, exercise and be in tip-top shape and still get killed in an auto accident. His point was that he wanted to do what he wanted, eat what he wanted, and, in the end, he would die at his appointed time. I don’t totally disagree with all of that, but I would like to finish strong and be useful to the Lord until I breathe my last breath.

God’s timing is perfect.

God’s Grace and Mercy is relentless.

God is so patient with me.

I want to be right on time with the Lord. I want to live within His timetable and not necessarily my own. I trust His timing even though, I don’t always understand, but I trust Him.

Pressing On!


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