Ticked Off

I know what it is like to be “ticked off”. It is a form of frustration for sure. I think there are different levels of frustration. I have been “disappointed” and then I’ve been ready to absolutely go after someone. I’m thankful to say that I’ve learned that a lot of my response to frustration at whatever level reveals what is in my heart. I want to be steady and consistent at loving and serving others. If I do get frustrated, I can’t stay in that place very long.

God has been “ticked off” with His people and with the people who mistreat His people. I don’t believe that God is whimsical like me. I can get easily ticked off when I’m grumpy or hungry. God’s frustration is always a matter of principle. He speaks destruction against whole nations and then carries it out. When He says that He will do something, it will happen. Check this out….

16 Search the book of the Lord,
    and see what he will do.
Not one of these birds and animals will be missing,
    and none will lack a mate,
for the Lord has promised this.
    His Spirit will make it all come true. (Isaiah 34:16 NLT)

The previous verses of this chapter talk about the destruction that the Lord will bring on Edom. It is ugly and thorough. I don’t ever want to be in the cross-hairs of God’s destruction. I want to be His target for redemption. The God of the Old Testament was the law. Jesus, God’s One and Only Son fulfilled the law. The law still provides boundaries, but through grace we can actually move into a deeper and more personal relationship with God. I can remember being “ticked-off” at God when my son was diagnosed with cancer. The Lord was patient with me as I navigated the pain and frustration of that season. I think I get most ticked off when something bad happens and I didn’t see it coming. God is never surprised. I think God can do anything He wants. He can stop whatever He wants to stop. I don’t understand why He don’t do everything I ask. When I see that statement written out, I realize how self-centered that I am. I want what I want for sure, but I have learned to surrender what I want to what He wants. That is a healthier space to operate in.  I’m so thankful that He loves with great patience.

Pressing On!


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