Things Change

We often live like things will always be as they are. I’ve been there and done that. We buy and borrow as if we always be at this or that workplace. If you had told me 20 years ago that I’d be doing what I’m doing today for a career, I would have laughed. I will say that I believe the Lord has me right where He wants me – surrendered to Him and His call upon my life. I was a student pastor for 20 years and I’ve now been a REALTOR for just over 15 years. I have learned to serve the Lord with or without a title. I’ve learned surrender at a whole new level. Things have changed in many ways and in other ways remained the same.

God’s people have felt the full force of God’s Punishment upon them. Their city was invaded and most all were taken captive. People who were wealthy became poor immediately. People who recently had “status”, immediately had none. This passage in Lamentations (of Jeremiah) really show just how profoundly things had changed. Check this out…

1How the gold has lost its luster!
    Even the finest gold has become dull.
The sacred gemstones
    lie scattered in the streets!

The people who once ate the richest foods
    now beg in the streets for anything they can get.
Those who once wore the finest clothes
    now search the garbage dumps for food. (Lamentations 4:1,5 NLT)

I think that so much in life is about perspective. No matter how hard life is on me at the moment, I can find others who are having it harder. I’ve traveled the world a little and there are people who have never known what it’s like to have extra money and food saved. I’ve also seen very wealthy people who would trade their wealth for health in a split second. I’m not sure what the future holds for my life regarding health and wealth, but I do know the One Who holds the future.

I still believe that I am nothing without Him. My success means nothing without Him. I would rather be considered a failure and know the Lord, than to be thought of as successful and influential and not know Him. I believe that Christ in my heart can help me find proper perspective and keep it. I do believe adjusting to changes as they come are simply a matter of perspective, but I will admit that it is often hard to alter perspective. The Lord still helps me with proper perspective every day. He has the whole world in His hands. He knows all about me and He knows my future. He wants to be the Pilot of my plane and the Captain of my ship. I’m better, smarter, faster when He is Lord of every area of my life. I want my relationship with the Lord to grow and change as I walk out my faith each day. When changes come (and they will), I still want to be found holding tightly to His hand as I walk through the changes and different seasons of life.

Pressing On!


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