The Big Reveal & Forgiveness Factor

The concept of forgiveness has been around as long as we human being have been on the earth. We are always doing things to one another that hurts or offends one another. The things we do to one another are sometimes really big and hurt deep in our soul. There are other things that are little hurts when they happen, but they become big over time because we let them seethe and fester inside our heart.

Forgiveness is a HUGE gift that I give myself. I choose to take back the power that the hurt and pain of another or an event has over me. Forgiveness destroys bitterness in a single swoop! I will say that forgiveness is a profound choice that can only be made by a person who is healthy and “comfortable in their own skin”.

I love this story of Joseph and the “coat of many colors” because it’s really a story of God’s providence and forgiveness. The older brothers were about to kill Joseph out of jealousy and instead sold him into slavery. Joseph honored God and trusted God while a slave to Potiphar and “Hotiphar” (Potiphar’s wife)! J He trusted the Lord and honored him while in prison. It was around 20 years from the time Joseph was sold into slavery until Pharaoh promoted him to governor. After the second journey of Josephs brothers to get grain, where they bowed down to him because of his position, and fulfilling his dreams from his younger days – Joseph is about to reveal his true identity. I would have loved being in the room when this big reveal went down. Check this out….

1 Joseph could stand it no longer. There were many people in the room, and he said to his attendants, “Out, all of you!” So he was alone with his brothers when he told them who he was. Then he broke down and wept. He wept so loudly the Egyptians could hear him, and word of it quickly carried to Pharaoh’s palace.

“I am Joseph!” he said to his brothers. “Is my father still alive?” But his brothers were speechless! They were stunned to realize that Joseph was standing there in front of them. “Please, come closer,” he said to them. So they came closer. And he said again, “I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into slavery in Egypt.But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives. This famine that has ravaged the land for two years will last five more years, and there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. God has sent me ahead of you to keep you and your families alive and to preserve many survivors. So it was God who sent me here, not you! And he is the one who made me an adviser to Pharaoh—the manager of his entire palace and the governor of all Egypt.(Genesis 45:1-8 NLT)

The Lord uses Joseph’s forgiveness to save a generation. Joseph’s position allowed him to move his entire family of brothers, along with all their possessions to Goshen – some of the best land of Egypt. This was possible because of Joseph’s character and his political capitol that he had with Pharaoh.

Forgiveness heals but bitterness destroys.

Forgiveness brings new life, but bitterness brings death of my very soul.

I don’t believe a Christ-follower can be unforgiving – Christ set the example and I don’t believe forgiveness is optional for me or any other follower of Jesus. Paul says it well in Ephesians. Check this out…

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT)

Pressing On!



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