

Frightened and stressed young business womanI remember being in shock on the morning of September 11, 2001. The United States had been attacked here in our cities and the casualties were regular people going to work that morning. I remember hearing the terrorist differently. I had noticed on the newscasts how terrorist struck in other countries. We seemed exempt from something like that. Our country quickly resolved that we would do our best to fight against terrorism. It’s easy to look back and place blame on certain agencies and leaders. I’ve decided that I’m going to be as prepared as I can be for terrorism. I’m not a police officer. I haven’t been trained to sit where I can see the door of a restaurant. I’m talking about a different kind of training and preparation. In the Revelation to John, I just read about the second terror. It was targeted at the evil people on the earth. After it happens John writes a one sentence warning.  Check this out….

14 The second terror is past, but look, the third terror is coming quickly. (Revelation 11:14 NLT)

There is “warning” here as clear as can be. I’m not real clear on how the end of the world will go down. I just know Who wins in the end. It seems foolish to me to ignore the warnings from the Word about the Power and the Presence of God. I’ve known Him for a long time and I’m still discovering facets of His Character that I need in my life. I’m learning the is Love is far-reaching and incredibly Patient. I’m also learning that He is Just. He will punish the evil and eradicate it. He will not welcome evil and unbelieving people into heaven. He has warned them multiple times and He has sent people who speak into their lives and they still choose to ignore His warning.

I’ve resolved to put all my hope and trust in the Lord. I’m not sure how or when I’ll leave this earth, but I know I will. I’m not sure if I would know what to do if some unforeseen attack came upon our country. I know this for sure- I will not throw away my faith. I believe that the God Who created heaven and earth is also in charge of how all of this will end. I’m on His team and I’m not going to live in fear of what the enemy can do. I’m going to heed the warnings of scripture and others but hold on tightly to my faith and trust in the One Who can help me through any season of life and even through death.

Pressing On!


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