Pleading Prayer

I believe in the power of prayer. I believe that prayer calls upon the resources of heaven (aka the supernatural) to help change things here on earth (aka the natural). I believe that prayer doesn’t change my circumstances, only the Lord can do that. Prayer does change my perspective of my circumstances and can change…

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The Lord Will Provide

These four words are easy to say and affirm EXCEPT when the situation is desperate and scary. I can remember a time when I was praying for healing for my son as he fought cancer. I was scared as I watched him get so beaten down by the chemotherapy. I remember having a hard conversation…

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I’ve heard it said that “timing is everything”. I’m not sure that I would totally agree with that statement, but there is something significant to the timing of big or important events. I don’t always understand God’s timing, but I’ve learned to totally trust His timing. He knows things that I can’t possibly know yet.…

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Simple but Hard

There are a lot of things in life that are simple but hard. For example, eating right is simple, but hard. It takes great willpower to avoid the cookies, ice cream or cake. A phone call to deliver bad news is hard, but simple to do. I think sometimes, I over-think simple tasks and that…

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First Things First

A few months back, I began a journey seeking to be grateful in all circumstances. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been super helpful and insightful. I’ve noticed that I’m less self-centered and more aware of other people’s needs. I’m also more aware of God’s Presence in my life. He is good and His faithfulness…

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This is a word that has a couple of different uses for sure. Doing someone a favor is “doing a kind act for them out of the goodness of one’s heart”.  The other big use of this word is “friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill or held in regard”.  It is the latter that jumped from…

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