From My Experience

I usually pay closer attention when someone speaks to me from their own experience. I’m listening to see if “my experience” is similar.  If I’m going to learn from others, I must listen to them. If I’m going to learn from others, I need to watch them. There are times when their words and actions…

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Blessing Of God

I have noticed the blessing of God on people before. I pray for the blessing of God upon my life and my family. I believe it’s an appropriate prayer. I know that not all things that happen in my life are good, but I do believe that “all things work together for good”.  I’ve learned…

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I’ve seen old houses and buildings that were abandoned years ago. I’ve seen some houses where people actually live that were “abandoned” because the owner deferred maintenance to never.  Abandoned is often used in a negative way. It means to “leave completely, give up, withdraw from”.   As I came across this word, I was reminded…

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Intimate Knowledge

There are things I know. There are also things I know from experience. I can’t always explain how I feel or what I know. There are things that are not meant for me to grasp or understand. The Word reminds me that God’s Ways are higher than my ways. I don’t always understand God, but…

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Worship Leaders

I’m a big fan of the people who lead my heart in worship. I have a long list that begins with the people who lead at church. I’m not just speaking of the vocalists. There are drummers, keyboardist, bass guitarist, guitar players, saxophone players who play the music. There vocalists who sing and harmonize with…

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I Did or I Did Not

I feel like life is made up of hundreds of choices every day. The simpler my life is, the less choices I have to make. When I’m crazy busy, I have lots of choices to make and they can’t always be delegated to someone else. When the dust of my day clears, I really make…

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