
I’m not a huge fan of darkness. I’m not afraid of the dark, but I am suspicious of things that I can’t see in the dark.  I worked campus security when I was in college. I had to go to different parts of the campus and buildings to keep a watchful eye on the systems…

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This is not a word that I use a lot, but I actually do ponder pretty often. I think I’ve probably called it reflecting. Ponder means to deeply think and consider something carefully. I do ponder my faith quite often. I ponder relationships. I ponder my work. I ponder vacation. I ponder a lot more…

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Flooded With Light

I have flood lights on my house. When I turn them own or if motion turns them own, I want them to illuminate a large area around my home so that I can possibly see what or who is out there. I do admit that I like daylight better than darkness. It seems that more…

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Salt & Light

I do like things that are a bit salty. For example, I love Sunflower seeds, mixed nuts and chips only if they have salt. Food without salt can be very bland. Oh, and I love vinegar & salt potato chips too. The salt that I have on the table is made up mostly of sodium…

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I sometimes like surprises. I do like surprises that are good, positive and simple. I don’t like bad news and complicated surprises. I get surprised all the time and I’ve learned that there is so many things that I simply have no control over. I can control my response to a surprise, but by the…

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I used to love the Price is Right and when they hid big prizes behind door #1 and door #2. The anticipation of the big reveal was pretty cool. I also love it when BIG things are revealed in small packages. The response is surprise and wow for sure. Paul starts out his letter to…

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