
I’m not a huge fan of darkness. I’m not afraid of the dark, but I am suspicious of things that I can’t see in the dark.  I worked campus security when I was in college. I had to go to different parts of the campus and buildings to keep a watchful eye on the systems and to make sure no one was trying to break in and steal.  I remember a couple of times being pranked by friends who were seeking to surprise me in the dark and scare me. Sometimes it worked when I wasn’t expecting. I carried a flashlight to help expose the dark corners and crevices where someone might hide.  I have a profound respect to people who work through the night. The security job was not hard, but the sleep schedule while going to college was tough.

As I continue to journey through Job, the frank conversation between him and his friends carry some truth. It seems at times that both sides go to extremes to make their point. Job is trying to make a point that the Lord doesn’t really pay attention to the wicked.  He points out that often the strategy of the wicked takes place in the cover of darkness. Check this out….

16 Thieves break into houses at night
    and sleep in the daytime.
    They are not acquainted with the light.
17 The black night is their morning.
    They ally themselves with the terrors of the darkness. (Job 24:16-17 NLT)

I used to be a “night owl”, but over the years I’ve conformed to a morning person. My mom used to say that “nothing good happened after midnight”.  I have found that there is a direct connection or correlation between what time I go to bed in the evening as to how easy it is to awaken in the morning. I enjoy seeing a new morning begin, because I believe the Lord’s mercies are new in the morning.

I also despise darkness because Jesus called His followers, the Light of the World. Jesus wants us to light up the world we live in. Light chases darkness out every time.  The thicker the darkness, the more significant the light.  Darkness hides while day light reveals.  I want to be alert and attentive during the day as well as in the night. I want to be aware of what is happening around me. I want to be a light that shines in the dark. I want to show others that the Light of the World – Jesus, lives in me.  His Presence in me calls me to live a life of honor, accountability and service with kindness.

If I find myself surrounded by darkness, I need to make sure my light is shining.

Pressing On!


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