
This is a word that to me is similar to what an attorney does in a court of law. The attorney advocates on behalf of his or her client. An advocate doesn’t have to be an attorney, it can be anyone who speaks or acts on behalf of another.  I am an advocate for my…

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I really hate to admit defeat. There are times that I’ve tried so hard for a victory or an accomplishment and miss the mark and I feel a sense of defeat or failure. This does not need to define me, but I think it needs to prepare me for a journey adjustment. The people of…

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  I remember an incident that happened to me one of the last times I went white water rafting. I was on a guided trip with a church group going down the Ocoee River. I had my son with me in the raft and he was 12 at the time, I think. The guide had…

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Helpless & Helper

I will never understand how someone can hurt a helpless little child. When I hear stories of child abuse, I cringe. It really sends me sideways to hear of someone hurting a helpless child. I also get pretty upset when I hear of a man abusing his wife verbally or physically. There is simply something…

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When I was a kid, I loved watching this show called “Emergency” where these two paramedics would save people from car accidents, burning buildings, etc… They were the rescuers. It made for some interesting television and I’m sure the ratings were high, if they counted that sort of thing way back then! I’ve grown older…

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I’m so thankful for people who rescue others. The Police are my protector in many ways as they seek to enforce the law and stop people from violent crimes against others. The Firefighter is there to rescue me from danger and destruction. The Firefighter is a first-responder along with the EMT to rescue me if…

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