Hard Obedience

There have been times when I felt the Lord called me to do something hard, but I must say that it was nothing quite as hard as He asked Hosea. At this time the Lord only spoke to His people through the prophets. This guy, Hosea was following God and the Lord was about to…

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Properly Dressed

I know it’s summertime and people dress differently. I just returned from Southern California, and it was a bit hotter than normal for them. We spent some days by the pool and on the beach. I was a bit stunned by what people wear (or should I say “don’t wear”) in public. I am a…

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I have always thought for the most part, that when you get older, you get wiser. As I get older, I realize that is not necessarily true. Older people have more experiences. Older people probably should be wise with all the lessons learned, but sometimes they are not wise. I don’t think wisdom is accidental…

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Behind The Scenes

For every celebrity that we hear about or see on stage, there are dozens of people behind the scenes helping them and supporting them to help them be successful. I’m thinking of a musical artist who has talent – they need a huge “supporting cast” behind the scenes to help them launch their career and…

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Please Pray

When I hear these two words from another, I know the need and the desperation that is felt. I have prayed some desperate prayers. I have seen some desperate prayers answered the way I prayed. I’ve also seen prayers answered differently than I prayed or imagined they might be answered. I once heard a quote…

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When you ask me a question about something I’m very familiar with, I answer with confidence. My knowledge and experience often give me the confidence to speak into that question. There are times when I’m not as confident and I should be open and honest about what I do know and what I don’t know.…

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