
I am not a huge conspiracy theorist person. I am a fan of NCIS and shows like it because they always get their guy. There is often an elaborate scheme to hide the truth, which is what I think of when I think of cover-up. King David sees Bathsheba taking a bath and instead of…

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Seven Things

I am a bit of a list maker. It keeps me on track. If I’m organizing my day, I will make a list of things to do. I will sometimes map out my day with lists. I sometimes wish the apps at the grocery story put the coupons in the order of the isles I’m…

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Rescue Havoc

Each morning when I read a passage from The Word and ponder what The Lord is saying, He speaks into my heart. This morning I read a passage in Judges that has really troubled me. The story starts out as a story of unfaithfulness and relentless pursuit. It just ends really badly without much explanation.…

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