
I believe that my life has purpose and meaning given to me by the Lord. He created me to do His Work. He created me to honor Him. If everything I do connects back to His purpose for my life, then my life can be really full and fun. I must admit that I sometimes…

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Foundational Truth

  I am not a building expert. I do consider myself a skilled professional in determining the value of buildings, houses and land. I am not an appraiser, but I can do some math regarding the cost of building materials and the cost per square foot.  Another thing I’ve learned to look for in determining…

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Top Two Commands

I grew up learning all the rules of the Christian faith. There we lots of them. The church I grew up in was small and everyone knew everyone else’s business and short comings. I couldn’t “get away” with much. I remember the preacher once telling me that my Dad knew what I had done the…

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Love Is….

I can finish that sentence is so many ways. The word love is probably the smallest 4-letter word that carries such deep, incredible and multi-faceted meaning. I can’t begin to adequately define or describe this word and what it means to me and so many other people. I read a book one time called, “Love…

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Sincerely Wrong

I have seen people with the best of intentions do something really stupid and wrong. They were sincere about their actions – but they were sincerely wrong in what they did. I have represented that sort of behavior before. I’ve been legalistic, arrogant & proud – and complete sincere about serving the Lord. The problem…

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Readers Digest Version

I have read the Readers Digest pretty often. There are some great jokes and funny life stories in there as well. I especially like when they put a condensed version of a book and you can get the storyline and outcome of the book by skipping the details and getting to the heart of the…

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