Jesus Is Enough

I grew up thinking I had to do all these things to be saved. I had to go to church. I had to talk right. I had to live right. I couldn’t curse. I couldn’t smoke or chew – or go with girls who do!  The list of rules that I tried to live…

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Measuring Up

In helping my son build a house, I’ve learned to use a measuring tape and many other tools that help with building things to certain specifications or for a specific use. The measuring tape is simply a tool that measures. I’ve learned that I like some measuring tapes better than others. No matter which measuring…

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Amazing Grace

I have sung that old hymn “Amazing Grace” too many times to count. There have been times it’s just been a cool old song. There have been other times when I’ve wept as I sing, because in those moments, I was fully aware of my need for this grace, and it was absolutely amazing. Grace…

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I don’t consider myself to be a rule breaker. I struggle with some rules but mostly I stay between the lines. My biggest struggle is most often driving the speed limit. I just like to get where I’m going as efficiently as possible. It would be helpful if I would learn that the journey to…

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New Gems

I love to look at gems, but I don’t know much about them. They can be fake gems and still be pretty. Real gems can be worth lots of money. If I found one, I’d need lots of help discerning its value. Jesus was giving multiple examples of how valuable the Kingdom of Heaven is.…

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New Sheriff In Town

This phrase came to be when from American western lore when the previous sheriff who was in charge of the law and order in the town was killed and a replacement was hired. The new sheriff may have stricter or more relaxed rules. It was always a transition for the people to adjust to the…

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