Measuring Up

In helping my son build a house, I’ve learned to use a measuring tape and many other tools that help with building things to certain specifications or for a specific use. The measuring tape is simply a tool that measures. I’ve learned that I like some measuring tapes better than others. No matter which measuring tape I use, an inch is still an inch and a foot is still twelve inches. Measuring is done by using a consistent standard of measurement. If each measuring tape was different, I would have a defective finished product.

I was reminded this morning about measuring my life and how much of a failure I am without the Grace of God. Check this out…

At one time I lived without understanding the law. But when I learned the command not to covet, for instance, the power of sin came to life, 10 and I died. So I discovered that the law’s commands, which were supposed to bring life, brought spiritual death instead. (Romans 7:9-10 NLT)

The law revealed my flaws. The law revealed my ignorance. The law became an insurmountable goal. I simply can’t possibly keep the law without falling on my face. I know my sins. I remember them clearly. I’ve forgotten some, but for the most part, I remember them vividly. Some of my sins are more subtle and harder to see, but when I read God’s Word or pray… His Spirit convicts me. My knowledge of my sin is so discouraging and somewhat depressing. I just can’t seem to keep the law. I fail again and again at keeping the law.  I’m profoundly thankful for His Grace which found me and restored my soul.

The law is not bad. The law is a consistent standard for me to live toward. Jesus brought grace which makes up for all my deficiencies when it comes to measuring up to the law.  When the Lord sees me now, He sees redemption and perfection. His Grace is amazing, perfect and ridiculous at the same time.

I feel free to live for the Lord using His Grace as the measuring stick. I measure my life up to Jesus. I realize that I don’t measure up, but He lifts me up! He has helped me live a more fulfilled and abundant life as I seek to honor Him in how I live.

On good days or on bad days – His grace finds me.

In the depths of grief or on the hill top of celebration – His grace finds me.

He finds me where I am, NOT where I’m trying to go or who I’m trying to be!

Pressing On!


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