Fair Weather Follower

My wife and I went to the Braves game in Atlanta with some young friends last Friday and had a blast. I realized that I’ve become a “fair weather follower” of the Braves. I knew only one or two players on the team. I don’t own a Braves shirt. I did wear a dark blue…

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I believe that these a humble person is not a “push over”. A humble person not full of self-pity. A humble person knows who they are and who they aren’t. A humble person is defined as someone who is “courteously respectful” to others. An arrogant person in contrast is “someone displays an sense of “self-importance…

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A compliment is an “expression of praise, commendation or admiration”. (www.dictionary.com) I enjoy receiving compliments from people who are close to me. Check that: I like receiving compliments from just about anyone. I really enjoy receiving compliments from people I admire and respect deeply. A compliment means that someone noticed something. There was an attribute,…

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Close Friends

I am blessed with many friends. I am thankful for each one and their role in my life. I have friends whom I haven’t seen in months, and when we connect, we pick up right where we left off. I have friends who are close by that if I needed to meet them for coffee…

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Loyalty & Kindness

I adore people who are both loyal and kind. I’ve met people who are genuinely kind, but not loyal. I’ve also met people who are fiercely loyal, but rude and unkind. It’s a well-balanced person who is both loyal and kind.  The author of Proverbs, Solomon mostly, gives great insight into how we should live…

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Lord Have Mercy

I’ve heard others say this line many times when I was growing up. Upon hearing some hard news about an event, “Lord, have mercy” would be the response. I really never gave it much thought, but it’s a pretty cool prayer. Mercy by definition is “kindness or forbearance shown to another in one’s power”. It…

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