
I have learned over the years to seek out people who are more knowledgeable and more experienced than I am. They can give great counsel and wisdom because of their experience and their knowledge. Wisdom is often a rare find. Some people who should be wise from experience are actually not because they didn’t learn…

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From My Experience

I usually pay closer attention when someone speaks to me from their own experience. I’m listening to see if “my experience” is similar.  If I’m going to learn from others, I must listen to them. If I’m going to learn from others, I need to watch them. There are times when their words and actions…

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Wisdom, Insight & Affirmation

There are things that I know from experience. There are things I believe based on what I know. My convictions and my deep faith are not open for debate. I believe in God the Father. I believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe in the Holy Spirit – His Presence in me continues to…

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There are times when two sides simply can’t seem to find common ground. They are at odds and can’t come to a resolution. Mediation entered into our court system several years ago here in Georgia. A mediator is a go-between who steps into a conflict and seeks to help both sides come to an agreement.…

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Enemy Opposition

I have had people not like me because of a position I hold. They may have never met me or even spoken to me, but they just don’t like me.  I probably can’t do anything about that. It’s like people saying things about the people running for political office. There are many who have formed…

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This is past tense of the word decide means to come to a conclusion or choice of direction or action. I make lots of decisions every day – many are small, like choosing which coffee cup to use for my morning coffee, to significant business decisions.   There are other decisions that get made for me…

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