
I often pick on people who are quick to show all the things they have or have accomplished.  I call them a “bragger”. They seem to be saying: “Look at me and how great I am”.  I think this a huge display of pride for sure. I have learned over the years that I am…

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I think everyone needs accountability, but I generally don’t like it when someone holds me accountable for something I’ve done wrong.  The law is actually built in accountability meaning I can’t drive as fast as I want to or I can’t do anything I want to when I want to do it. There are boundaries…

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Provision – Presence – Patience

I think I could write for days about how the Lord’s Provision has been obvious in my life’s journey. I feel so blessed and I thank Him often. I’ve also learned to notice His Presence. He is not always loud and making a big splash, but when I take time to notice, He is with…

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Unselfish Leadership

Leaders often are in a position to make things better for themselves at the expense of the people they lead.  This can put a sour taste in the mouths of the people they lead. I struggle to follow such leaders. This can be very obvious in the political arena or in the hierarchy of any…

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Willing To Server Wherever

The thing about serving in the Lord’s economy is that He might need me to do something that I’m way over-qualified to do. I may have skills and talents in one area of ministry, but I might be needed in another.  I think when my heart is in tune with the Lord, I will server…

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Refuse Humility

I do think pride is the root of all sin that is present in my life. I think pride is the number one reason that I and others don’t surrender all to the Lord.  I think I can do things on my own. I’ve learned the hard way (many times) that I can do nothing…

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