
I am not in the habit of fasting. I see it as a discipline that when I take a break from something (like food, or social media), I should replace that time with prayer and time spent with the Lord. I definitely don’t think this should be announced or a big deal made of it.…

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Ticked Off

I know what it is like to be “ticked off”. It is a form of frustration for sure. I think there are different levels of frustration. I have been “disappointed” and then I’ve been ready to absolutely go after someone. I’m thankful to say that I’ve learned that a lot of my response to frustration…

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Protection & Presence

I remember as a kid that when I was scared, I just needed to be near my parents or grand-parents and fear would simply leave. Fast forward many years later, I still see fear coming and have learned to trust the Protection and Presence of God to help me put fear in its place. I…

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Fake ID

I hear stories all the time of people who have made a fake ID. This is usually done by people who are under-age and want to purchase alcohol. There are also people who create fake ID’s because they are trying to escape something in their past. Isaiah reminded me this morning that I can fake…

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Obedience & Humiliation

I have learned what humiliation feels like over the years. Humiliation is being mortified, painful loss of pride and loss of self-respect. I remember one instance when in college, a college friend played a prank on me and embarrassed me in front of the whole lunchroom full of peers. I was angry, embarrassed and mortified…

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Deep Clean

Some people deep clean their home, office or car very often. Some deep clean a couple times a year. Deep Cleaning is a whole new level of clean. It’s one thing to vacuum and dust, it’s a new level when wash the baseboards, window seals and windows. The same is true with my vehicles. Some…

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