Daily Obedience

There are several areas of my life that are subject to change daily, hourly or even with a minute’s notice. I wake up in the morning, grateful for all that the Lord has blessed me with. I also wake up each morning thinking about my journey with Him and how I can honor Him. It…

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One of my roles as a husband and Dad is provider. I am thankful to be able to provide for my family. We have plenty of food. During this pandemic, it’s a bit risky to think about getting the virus to run to the store to get food.  I am learning to be thankful to…

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The Famous One

I used to want to be famous. I realize that fame comes at a huge cost to a person’s personal life. There are many who want to be famous and they’re pushing hard so that they can sell their songs or their product to others. There are others who are famous, but for negative reasons.…

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I still have a pretty good memory even though I’m over 50 years old. There are times it seems to be “slipping gears” when I can’t remember someone’s name whom I’ve known for years. Some things I’d like to forget, I actually still remember. I remember some of the biggest mistakes of my life. I…

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This is not a descriptive term that is used in positive circumstances. It is a word that carries some other baggage with it. For example, the word jealous is usually accompanied by resentment toward another person.  Envious is probably a “sibling” of Jealous. They both connect over something or someone else who has something they…

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This word has lots of uses in our language and our culture. We redeem a mortgage. We make up for our bad choices with “redeeming” behavior. In scripture, the word redeemed means that we are free from sin because there has been a sacrifice that redeems.  Under the old law, an animal sacrifice was the…

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