
This word has lots of uses in our language and our culture. We redeem a mortgage. We make up for our bad choices with “redeeming” behavior. In scripture, the word redeemed means that we are free from sin because there has been a sacrifice that redeems.  Under the old law, an animal sacrifice was the redeeming sacrifice. Jesus came and fulfilled the law by becoming the final sacrifice needed for redemption from sin.

When the people of Israel were across the river from the promised land, Moses explained several regulations and rules of behavior as the nation was about to take possession of the land that would be their home. One of the challenges was when someone found a body of someone who had been murdered and there were no witnesses and no clues to determine who the murderer was. The elders of the town and the Levites would sacrifice an animal for the people. Check this out….

“The elders of the town must wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken. Then they must say, ‘Our hands did not shed this person’s blood, nor did we see it happen. O Lord, forgive your people Israel whom you have redeemed. Do not charge your people with the guilt of murdering an innocent person.’ Then they will be absolved of the guilt of this person’s blood. By following these instructions, you will do what is right in the Lord’s sight and will cleanse the guilt of murder from your community. (Deuteronomy 21:6-9 NLT)

Jesus is my Redeemer.

He forgives.

He is patient.

He is faithful.

He became the final redemptive sacrifice for the sins of the world. He died on a cross. He was buried in a borrowed grave. He rose from the dead on the third day and He is accessible to me and anyone else. His Spirit is alive in His people and around us. I feel His Presence in my everyday life. He redeemed me and He still forgives me. He redeemed me and He is still patient with me. He redeemed me and He is still faithful to me.

I’m so thankful. I don’t deserve to be redeemed, but I’m so thankful. I want to live in such a way that I honor the One through Whom my redemption came.

Pressing On!


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