
This is a powerful word. I looked up the definition of compassion. It is “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others”. Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” It is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. I do…

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I believe that all people need food, shelter, and clothing. I jokingly say that I need food with my meals. I’m thankful for work that helps provide a living where my needs are supplied. I know that Jesus knows what I need. I know that I need Jesus. He is my Provider. His Presence in…

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If I’m going to be more like Jesus, then I need to cultivate compassion in my heart. I’m not a hard or hateful person, but I can be. I’ve been taken advantage of more times than I can count by people simply begging or asking for help. It’s hard to separate those in genuine need…

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Looking Different

I don’t think I dress weird or even boldly. I’m fairly common and I don’t think I stand out because of my branded dress shirt or khaki pants. I do care about my appearance and try to have a “clean” and “well-groomed” look about me.  There are times I might even wear a sports coat…

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Heart Condition Update

When a doctor tells a patient that they have a heart condition, it’s almost like hearing the word “cancer”. There are many different levels of heart condition as there are many different forms and stages of cancer. (I would like to be president of the “HATE CANCER CLUB”.) I was speaking to my doctor about dieting…

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Lord Have Mercy

I’ve heard others say this line many times when I was growing up. Upon hearing some hard news about an event, “Lord, have mercy” would be the response. I really never gave it much thought, but it’s a pretty cool prayer. Mercy by definition is “kindness or forbearance shown to another in one’s power”. It…

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