Love Is Serving

I’ve been going to church since I was kid. My parents took me to church as a baby, so I guess I’ve been going my whole life. I remember hearing a guy say that going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger. I think I…

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I have witnessed accidents before. I have witnessed bad behavior before. I have witnessed disrespect toward others. I have witnessed gifts of love. I have witnessed genuine love for others. There have been things I’ve seen with my own eyes that I have a hard time describing and explaining. I sometimes wonder what it would…

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Hearing Test

A few years ago, I was introduced to the Mosquito Ring Tone. I have failed miserably at this. You can test your hearing here. I must confess that I’ve been guilty of listening to loud music a bit too much. Some of my hearing loss is because of my age. I was in a crowd…

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One Good Thing Leads To Another

This idiom is still true today. When I do something good, it can lead to more good choices and activities. The opposite of that is true as well. When I do something bad, it can lead to more bad things. So, the goal is quite obvious – to do good and let more good things…

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In Between

There have been so many times that I’ve been “in between” things and it takes great patience to wait. If I have the opportunity to write a big contract on a property for a client, I have to wait for a response from the seller. If the property actually goes under contract, there is still…

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This word is about doing something. A person who takes some action is not passive. I have been through seasons where I wasn’t as active as at other seasons of my life. I am learning that putting activities off doesn’t really help. I need to take action when it’s called for. I have never been…

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