
I enjoy a good story. I especially like true stories with happy endings. I struggle with hearing stories of struggle, suffering and a bad ending. I believe that my life is made up of a series of stories. Some of my stories tell a lot about me, while others talk about others and their impact upon my life. I think I could write a book about my “growing up” stories. My parents and my grandparents were huge influences on my current stories. When I look at pictures of my childhood, I’m transported back to that era when many of my stories were being written.

Jesus taught truth using simple stories. He illustrated deep truth using simple stories. Check this out….

10 His disciples came and asked him, “Why do you use parables when you talk to the people?”

11 He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. 12 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. 13 That is why I use these parables,

For they look, but they don’t really see.
    They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand. (Matthew 13:10-13 NLT)

Stories can entertain me.

Stories can inform me.

Stories can teach me.

Stories can remind me.

Everyone has a story. Every story has an author.  A lot of my stories have a “story inside a story”.  All my stories occurred in the past and are history. The word “history” is comprised of two words: “his story”.  My past is part of His story. The Lord is the Giver of Life. The Lord is the Author of Life. The Lord is the Sustainer of life.  My life stories are all connected to Him. He is still writing my story as I walk with Him.  I want to know more of His Story. I want to know Him more. I want Him to keep writing my story with Him as the Central Figure in it.

Pressing On!


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