Storied Journey

I love hearing stories of how people got to where they are today. There are twists and turns in most folk’s journey that they didn’t see coming – sickness, broken relationships, career change, car accidents – the list can be long. I sometimes reflect and think that if weren’t for some of the bad things that happened, I might not have some of the biggest blessings in my life. I grew up in the great state of Kentucky and I’m very thankful and proud of my heritage, but I’ve lived in Georgia much longer than I lived in Kentucky. My kids are all Georgian’s and my parents have lived here for 11 years – they love it here, but Kentucky was home for most of their lives. I believe that home is wherever family is. I love having my family around talking and sharing stories.

Jacob’s family has quite a story of even how they got to the land of Canaan where they are now leaving to go to Egypt. The story of Joseph’s journey to power in Egypt is unique and powerful. They are relocating generations of Jacob’s family to a new land where Joseph is the catalyst and provider of protection and rescue from the famine. Check this out….

 1So Jacob set out for Egypt with all his possessions. And when he came to Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father, Isaac. During the night God spoke to him in a vision. “Jacob! Jacob!” he called.

“Here I am,” Jacob replied.

“I am God, the God of your father,” the voice said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make your family into a great nation. I will go with you down to Egypt, and I will bring you back again. You will die in Egypt, but Joseph will be with you to close your eyes.”

So Jacob left Beersheba, and his sons took him to Egypt. They carried him and their little ones and their wives in the wagons Pharaoh had provided for them.They also took all their livestock and all the personal belongings they had acquired in the land of Canaan. So Jacob and his entire family went to Egypt—sons and grandsons, daughters and granddaughters—all his descendants.(Genesis 46:1-7 NLT)

Our storied journeys look a lot different if the Lord is at the Center of our lives. If you had told me that I’d be top producing REALTOR back when I was in Youth Ministry, I would have laughed out loud. If you had told me back when I was first married, that I would go through a divorce one day, I would have probably punched you in the mouth. When I look back at the twists and turns of relationships that were healthy and the ones that were toxic, I’m thankful for the place the Lord currently has me. I don’t have a clue what the next season of life looks like, because I can’t possibly predict the twists and turns that are ahead. I can hold the hand of the One Who knows exactly what things will look like in the future and I’m planning to faithfully follow Him the rest of my days. I want my storied journey to bring blessing and hope to all who have ever known me or who know me now.

Pressing On!



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