Steady & Ready

PresenceI’ve been a people watcher/observer for many years. I don’t enjoy shopping the way some people shop. I do my shopping ahead of time and go to the store and pick out the right size and color and then I’m off to check out. Over the years that I’ve been to the mall or big stores, I like to watch and observe others. I watch how they interact with others. I watch facial expressions. I watch their body language. If you’ve ever seen a frustrated customer complaining to a manager or an employee, you may have the “golden ticket”. Some people lose all decorum and common sense when they are angry. (I’m pretty sure that I’ve been to that place before as well.) If they are really angry, they often have no idea how they are acting. I had to recently push back on someone who was angry and out of control in a complaint to me about another. This person wasn’t aware of just how they were “coming across” toward me, and I was actually trying to help resolve the situation.

In Revelation, the overall theme is to be ready. John shares an event involving 7 bowls of wrath being poured out on all aspects of life here on earth.  Right in the middle of the bowls being poured out, he gives this important bit of counsel. Check this out….

15 “Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their clothing ready so they will not have to walk around naked and ashamed.” (Revelation 16:15 NLT)

I am given a heads-up again – be ready at any time. It’s easier for me to be calm in this life when I realize that the big prize is eternal life. If I see my earthly home as temporary, then I’m not so “wigged out” about the things that happen here. I want to walk steady in my faith and be ready when He comes or calls me home.  I definitely don’t need to be paralyzed in fear, but I should lean into my faith. I feel like the past several years of my journey in the Word of God has calmed my heart and I’m less “wound up” about little things that used to “send me over the edge”! (I have all this code language for describing my moments of exasperation and frustration with another person.)

I have become a person of habits, sequential order and systems. I get up the same time most every morning and spend a few minutes getting my body awake. I then sit and soak in the Word for short block of time and let Him speak to me. I don’t look at email, text or social media until I’ve heard from the Lord in His Word. He settles my heart. He helps me turn my worries into worship. He helps build out my faith and stamp out my fears. I’m really trying to be steady in my walk and ready whenever He is ready for me.

Pressing On!


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