Steady & Faithful

I recently came across a video that had my grandparents (Mammie & Pappy) from Kentucky in the video. They’ve been in heaven for several years now, but I miss interacting with them and conversations with them. My Pappy fought in WWII and was a strong man with a strong personality as well. My Mammie was no “push-over” for sure. She made us grandkids behave, but she had such a gentle strength about her.  They both showed deep faith in God.  They were steady and faithful living out their faith in front of me and the others who would notice.  Grandparents hold a special place in our hearts for sure. There is much life lived and lessons learned over the years. They spoke truth into my life on many occasions, but their example of being steady and faithful is what I still remember. Words are harder to remember than actions.

I think David is the author of this Psalm that speaks of faith since childhood. Check this out….

O Lord, you alone are my hope.
    I’ve trusted you, O Lord, from childhood.
Yes, you have been with me from birth;
    from my mother’s womb you have cared for me.
    No wonder I am always praising you!

My life is an example to many,
    because you have been my strength and protection.
That is why I can never stop praising you;
    I declare your glory all day long.(Psalm 71:5-8 NLT)

I have definitely fallen on my face a few times on this journey. I have definitely embarrassed the Lord and myself along the way. I am determined to keep getting back up and running after Him. He is the Savior of my soul.  He is the One Who holds the keys to my future in heaven. He is the One Who holds the keys to abundant life while I’m here on earth.  I want to be an example of a steady and faithful follower of Jesus, just like my grandparents and my parents. I want others to see Jesus when they see me.

I’m going to remember that my example is more memorable than any words I might speak.

Pressing On!



  1. Jan on September 5, 2018 at 8:10 AM

    Dewayne, this article was what I needed to read this morning because in the face of trials and advertises I never knew their faith to waver. We are so blessed to have had the example our parents and grandparents set befor us. I love reading your post each day and knowing that it truly comes from the heart means even more.

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