Skin-Deep Beauty


woman creating a frame from fingersI remember my Mom telling me years ago that “beauty is only skin-deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone”! There is some truth to that for sure. As I’ve grown older and noticed some beautiful people on the outside with diseased hearts. I have to confess that I do try to look nice before I leave my house for work in the am. I look rather scary when I roll out of bed. I draw the line at wearing make-up – for a man that would be quite weird in our culture. Almost all the ladies I know wear make-up to try to cover their blemishes on their face. They have convinced themselves that they need it. My wife gets frustrated with me because I don’t notice when she isn’t wearing make-up.

Peter speaks of inner beauty. He addresses the behavior of men and women. I believe what he says is applicable to me. Check this out…

You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. (1 Peter 3:4 NLT)

Beauty that comes from within never needs make-up.

Beauty that comes from within never needs the coolest clothes.

Beauty that comes from within is consistent.

Beauty that comes from within is genuine.

Beauty that comes from within is from a God-centered heart.

I want to become more beautiful (aka handsome) from the inside out. I want the Lord to keep cleaning and shaping my heart so that my love for Him spills out into the lives of everyone whose path I cross. I don’t want to impress them with fake behavior. I want to genuinely care about them and what their live is like. I want to genuinely honor the Lord from the inside out. Heart work is hard work, but it so worth it.

Pressing On!


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