
There are many areas of self-control that need my attention. No other area needs it more than my words. It is easy to write in a calm way early in the morning when I’m not frustrated about something or frustrated with someone.  My words have weight no matter when I use them, so I must be careful.

When I talk too much, I reveal my ignorance. When I talk about someone, I reveal a weakness in my character.  Solomon speaks to this in Proverbs. Check this out…


“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”

       is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl.
 12 A wise warning to someone who will listen
       is as valuable as gold earrings or fine gold jewelry.
 28 Those who do not control themselves
       are like a city whose walls are broken down. (Proverbs 25:11-12; 28 NCV)

 Self-control is an area that the Lord can help me with. He knows me fully. He knows my strengths and weaknesses. He is constantly helping me grow and become stronger, but I must depend on Him.  I must look to Him to help me control my words. Words can be such a huge gift to someone else. They can also destroy someone else.

I want to be a self-controlled follower of Jesus. I want my life to reflect what I believe. I want my words to reflect my life.

 Pressing On!

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