Rules To Live By

There are lots of rules and laws that we live by every day. There are many unspoken rules that we live by without giving much thought. For example, always face forward in an elevator; let others get off before you get on (elevator, buses, etc…); stand at least 3 feet back from a person at the ATM; just because you have an opinion, doesn’t mean you’re entitled to share it. Don’t keep using your phone when someone is speaking with you. These are simply a few rules we live by each day without giving much thought unless someone we meet breaks the rules.

The Lord gave the Israelites some rules to live by. He “gets in the weeds” a bit with some of the rules because evidently, He knew which situations could possibly be a problem. Check this out….

33 “Suppose someone digs or uncovers a pit and fails to cover it, and then an ox or a donkey falls into it. 34 The owner of the pit must pay full compensation to the owner of the animal, but then he gets to keep the dead animal. (Exodus 21:33-34 NLT)

I think there are rules that can help us live more meaningful lives going forward. Some of this is simply common sense, but not necessarily common practice.

  1. Look people in the eye when you shake their hand.
  2. Listen carefully when someone is speaking to you.
  3. Be kind to everyone you meet, even people you don’t really like much.
  4. Be honest always – no exceptions.
  5. Put others before yourself – open the door, let them go first, etc…
  6. Trying “walking a mile in their shoes” before criticizing someone else.
  7. Never give advice unless you are asked specifically for it.

This list could really be long. I think it’s important to respect other people and their world. That would include their personal life, the work life, their family and their space. It’s crazy to think that everyone is going to be like me or think like me. The things that make me mad, may not bother you at all. I came away from this short passage today with the word RESPECT.  I try to give each person I meet some level of respect until they give cause to withdraw that gift.

Pressing On!


NOTE: If you have some unwritten rules you live by, please post in the comments below.

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