Rooted Deep

I love this time of year as the world I live in “springs” to life. The trees are budding, the grass is getting green, and flowers will soon show their stunning colors. It’s also a time of planting the garden for food. I have friends who have beautiful flowers because they planted them and cultivate the soil around them.  I can’t imagine living where there is no springtime.

The crazy thing about spring is that many plants, trees, and other vegetation looked dead, but it wasn’t. They were dormant during the winter season. There are some types of vegetation that thrive in the winter season.

I’m reading Paul’s letter to the church at Colossi. He is trying to encourage, motivate and inspire them to keep following Jesus. His analogy regarding planting roots deep really spoke to me. Check this out…

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. (Colossians 2:6-7 NLT)

This passage challenged me to check my root system. I want to make sure the roots of my faith are planted deep into Christ – His teaching and His call upon my life. So much about what He teaches me is below the surface of my life. The work that happens in the root system buildout is what makes things above the surface so noticeable and hopefully attractive.

The peace I have in my heart comes from the roots of my soul.

The joy I have comes from a heart rooted deeply in Christ.

The hope I have comes from below the surface in the root system.

I would argue that what is below the surface of my life is way more significant that what is above the surface. The fruit of my life would be rotten and ruined without a healthy root system to pull in the nutrients and water that nurture my soul. My faith is stronger, deeper and wider because of my root system in Christ.

Pressing On!


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